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Liberty Boxes Pros:


1. Plastic bins feature sturdy construction to provide extra protection for your personal effects.


2. Most rented moving box service deliver plastic bins to your home and retrieve them from the new address when you’re move is complete, reducing the time necessary to prepare for the move and the hassle of breaking down cardboard boxes.


3. Plastic moving boxes are more stackable than cardboard, making them a more stable while the load is in transit. Empty plastic moving containers are also nest-able, greatly reducing the amount of mess during packing.


4. Many companies supply a dolly fitted specifically for the plastic moving box that makes moving plastic bins relatively easy when they are full, making moving less physically demanding.


5. Plastic moving containers do not need to be assembled or broken down, making them a less time consuming way to pack, approximately half that of cardboard.

Cardboard Boxes Cons:


1. Assembling the number of boxes necessary to pack an entire house is time consuming, adding to the time that it takes to move; which can be the longest part of a move


2. The weight of the contents of a cardboard box is limited to the strength of the taped seam of the cardboard box.


3. Cardboard boxes are not very robust and do not protect their contents from impacts very well, so don’t stack heavy items on them.


4. The added cost of materials, such as tape, tape guns, markers and labels, needed to build cardboard boxes can add significantly to the overall expense of moving.


5. Breaking down the empty boxes is also very time consuming and disposing of them can also come with an added expense if have to pay to dispose of them.


6. Every 100 cardboard moving containers uses the pulp from approximately one tree and disposing of them after a single use makes cardboard boxes a not so environmentally friendly packing option considering you’ll probably only use them once.


The cost of renting reusable plastic bins is around the same as buying new cardboard boxes, especially after adding in the extra expense considering the time and effort you may spend building, taping and lugging the boxes home from the store. If you find yourself on a shoestring budget or long-term storage is your goal, buying used cardboard boxes or picking up free-cycled cardboard may be your best option; but if making your move a little more stress free and focusing on more important aspects of moving your family to a new home, then renting plastic moving boxes probably is your best bet.





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